Monday, March 19, 2007

5:21 PM Update

Kathi & Kari arrived at the hospital this morning to find out that Paul had been moved to IMU from ICU at one in the morning. The problem was he was in a 6 person "ward" with no TV. Seems like something out of WWII movie rather than San Diego in 2007. It was hard for Paul, Kathi, Kari & Sarah to see this as a positive step.

Paul was understandably upset and said he wanted no more pep talks and he wanted, and I quote, "Action Jackson." Kathi & Kari got on it and in typical hospital pace got him moved to slightly better conditions--a 4 person room with a TV at 5:30 this afternoon.

Paul asked Sarah if they had the van from Palm Springs. When she told him yes he said to pull it around, load him in and they'd be off to Palm Springs. The great escape.

They spoke with the head of orthopedic surgery about Paul's upcoming scapula surgery which is now scheduled for Thursday at 12:20. The Doctor said an injury like this heals quickly so they'll need to do some scraping, realign, and put in some plates & screws. Surgery will take 4 to 5 hours.

It has been decided that they won't move him to Palm Springs before the surgery for a few reasons: it is proving to be difficult due to insurance etc. and they've been told that Dr. Schwartz is "the best orthopedic surgeon around." They have a hospital case worker working on the move to Palm Springs which hopefully will take place Friday or Saturday. Hopefully this will make Paul happier.

Still need additional questions answered regarding his dialysis. Hopefully this will not factor into his moving.


Anonymous said...

Wayne here at L&M in Spokane. Heard the whole story of your accident, can't believe it, sure glad you're on the mend.
We'll save a good bottle of vino for a celabatory toast when you pass that phase of the recovery.
Good Luck, stay strong.


Anonymous said...

OMG, Can you believe how absolutely crazy they are with the Hospital stuff? Why doesn't he have a private room? I bet anything they are frantically trying to figure out a way that Paul's "visit" there can pay for a couple other patients who have no insurance. It is just assinine that they can't come up with something more accomodating. I don't blame him for wanting out. They will usually do stuff too like put an old, old person in the room who doesn't know where they are and they will call out the name of their dog all night long or some eccessively long winded foreigner who has company at odd hours and a severe problem with flatulence. Poor Paul. Tell him to hang in there and this will be a thing of the past pretty soon. More prayers.
Bobby Morris Family

Anonymous said...

Why is it that they move a person from ICU in the middle of the night. They did the same to me when I had heart surgery. No one there to help you challenge the situation. Bunch of Bull Shit if you ask me. Those SOB's should be stuck with a high voltage cattleprod until they get the point. They have no idea of what Paul is going through. Damn I feel for you all.

Kathi and family it sounds like he is getting better and has the fighting spirit going for him. The Great Escape has taken over the comments about the "root beer float". Hope he gets the float one of these days. Keep giving them hell about a private room.

Our Love Steve and Debbi Kirk

Anonymous said...

Wow, the "Action Jackson" comment tells me your well on your way to recovery. I think hospitals do what they can to accomodate but then you always get those that don't listen or think they know what is best etc. I would not be comfortable in a room with 6, 4 or even 1 other person unless they were the Victoria Secret Models, then maybe, well for sure. A good trick is to continually fart until all the others ask to be moved out. Just make sure Kathi has a gas mask. You want her there. I will be thinking of you during your scapula surgery. Wendy tells me everyday to make sure I say hello from her. If I let her, she would have been there a week ago. Well off to the jobsites, yuk, it is raining hard here. I want to stay in my warm office. The port promise is still on. Take it easy.
Geno (Goose)

Anonymous said...


a.c.taylor said...

Love the talk about moving up and on to Palm Springs. Looking forward to that day, which will mean PM is seriously on the mend. Thanks for keeping us all in the loop.

Anonymous said...

I just want Paul to know that he is, and has been, in my thoughts. I learned of the accident after returning from Puerto Vallarta last week, and I've been cursing the south of the border sons-of-bitches ever since. Hang in there, Paul, we got a lot of golf yet to play. Yours, Ramer