Saturday, March 24, 2007

9:43 Update

Paul met with the physical trainer and occupational trainer yesterday. They said he is strong and ready to rehab 3 hours a day when the hospital releases him.

At this time family (not Paul) feels that this hospital is the best place for him. He will remain at UCSD until he is able to do out patient acute rehab in Palm Springs. Dr. Lee told him that probably wouldn't happen until end of next week. We'll keep you all posted on that.

Yesterday he did sit up 2 times for a short while. He did manage a few bites of breakfast, lunch and dinner. Unfortunately his stomach is still giving him a lot of trouble and was causing some pain yesterday. Kathi said he has lost a significant amount of weight.

He did however call Kathi first thing this morning to request a root beer float or a big coca cola.

The fluid that is in his lungs is very common and will dissipate on it's own. They will continue to monitor his kidneys. They are improving but aren't "there yet."

Jen will call me later this afternoon with an update. She didn't feel that there would be a whole lot of new news...weekends are slow at the hospital.


Anonymous said...

Hey all! Sounds like Paul is getting ready for Donna's meatloaf and potatoes. The good news is encouraging for us on the outside. Paul we continue to say prayers for you and I think Kathi is going to need more as you improve. Maybe Kathi the doctors can send you home with those wonderful sleeping pills just incase Paul gives you a hard time some night. Wanted you to know we check this blog site everyday and wish we could help in some way. Larry & Laura

Anonymous said...

Well, one thing that is good is he will transfer his aggression from Kathi to the P.T. crew. They are used to it though and can handle the abuse. they do some interesting things with bungi cords and stuff. Whew!, glad it is not me. He will need a lot more prayers now and so will everyone that has to deal with him. We will continue ours for him and Kathi and children.
Linda Morris