Sunday, March 18, 2007

Sunday, 5:26 PM Updatre

Kathi and Kari got to the hospital about 10:45 today and his oxygen mask was off. He's still on oxygen but now with just a small tube in the nose.

He called Paul Taylor and talked business with him today...Kathi & Kari are curious about that conversation.

Taken off of IV medicine and started on oral meds. Might be talking to the PT tomorrow about starting physical therapy. Will be moving to an IMU room (step down from ICU) possibly tomorrow

Got to have breakfast, wasn't very interested in any of it. More interested in ice water.

Kari said he is having a very "tired day." This makes him very grumpy and a little loopy and when he's tired he takes it out on Kathi. He wants outta there and apparently she won't let him go. Gotta blame the ones you love.

Visitors are still really hard on Paul at this time. It's an effort for him to hold a conversation and he feels that he needs to be hospitable to his guests. Family is easier as you can just sit in silence with them. We all know how social Paul is so he'll be wanting visitors when he's feeling better, he's just not there yet.

Kathi currently is back at the hotel getting some much needed rest.

Scapula surgery still tbd--hopefully tomorrow.

Thanks everyone and keep sending all that positive energy south!


Anonymous said...

Great news about moving out of ICU...Kath, he's getting closer to moving back home! Hope the oral meds do their job....sounds like the busy weekend pushed Paul and it resulted in good progress. Hope you're getting some rest and a chance to get outdoors a tiny bit Kath. Julie is doing a fabulous job with the blog. Very newsy AND entertaining!

Anonymous said...

Shawn and I had dinner with Pam, Andy, Dave, Ty & Brennan. We then "celebrated" past & future improvements with a root beer float.


DD said...

Hi Kathi,

First of all I'm so excited to hear that Paul is making more improvements. Secondly it is important that you be taking extra good care of yourself too, because you will be the on duty nurse when you & Paul return back home! I'm sure the hospital will be advising you or be ordering-up some home health care... it will be a big help to both of you until Paul can get back on both of his feet.

We still have all sorts of home healthcare equipment here at the Hannah House, that my father used when he was non- ambulatory, so please don't hesitate to call if you want to use anything! They will help in assisting Paul; in getting him in and out of bed, transfering him from bed to wheel chair (if he will be using one) getting him in and out of cars and down and up from the toilet. We also have a fleet of wheel chairs here too, so just say the word if you need anything!

I thought that you might be interested in hearing something about the BCCC Annual meeting, so here goes...first of all Seth, our new pro is very handsome - #1 of importance on my list and has been imployed by American Golf long enough that there shouldn't be that much of a learning curve for him. The rest of the meeting got to be kind of hairy with many wanting to be part of the problem and in the attack mode rather than coming up with some positives or any good solutions for making things better. I really felt sorry for our GM Peter, who by the way found Craig and now Seth for us! Many complained that Peter isn't there 24/7, not available by phone or anywhere to be found which is hair is now standing up, so enough of that!

...Now you get yourself out of the hospital and smell some fresh air and know that everyone is still praying for Paul to be bouncing out of that hospital bed real soon!

Jeanne & Mark

Anonymous said...

Steve and Kathleen are here to lend support as well.
I have some experience in the marathon of "getting better" and have a few suggestions for sustaining your physical and emotional selves. You're both very strong and loving people, that being said there is a long road ahead.
One thing that helped us is to have familiar music in the hospital room. You know all the favorites of Paul's, anything he could identify and sing along with is cool. Secondly, when Steve faced his health challenges we made a list of really funny things that had happened to us over the years. Any little story that you remember laughing out loud, try to generate a list for when either of you are blue in the future. It sounds corny but I think you'll use it. Finally, find some outlet for yourself and don't feel guilty about being away from the hospital, it's important!

It's been said before, but anything we can do to help support the Morris and Brown families please ask!
You are in our thoughts.
Kathleen and Steve

Anonymous said...

Hoo-ray for Paul. Paul, this sounds so good. I think it is great to hear you are doing the "grouchy grumble" again. I knew this before, but be careful what you ask for. Last night I asked to take one of your pains and my damned ankle hurt so bad that I had to get up and take a pain med and a sleeping pill if you can believe that. It was wierd. Keep pushing for the Root Beer Float, they will give in soon. Slap "Atilla the Hun" on the behind for me. Get home soon. Love Geno (and Wendy) but she doesn't even know how to turn on a computer, much less write in one. But you know she cares and is always thinking about you and Kathi. Have a good night. Also - now that you are showing improvement, I don't feel as guilty about going to Hawaii this Thursday:-)