Friday, March 16, 2007

Food for thought...1:45 PM Update

That's Pauls saying for the day, "Food for thought." Still wants that darn root beer float. Unfortunately they are still trying to calm his stomach so he is not allowed liquids at this time. He is allowed 2" of ice every 8 hours. He's sleeping right now and doesn't know this yet...Kari said he's not gonna be happy.

Kidney Doc was in and says for his young age and good health he believes his kidneys will make a full recovery. Will take time. He did have dialysis today. Kathi and Kari told him that his kidneys need to get working and his comback was, "Give me a break, I'm 60 years old." He's not saying a lot but it's clear by what he does say that he knows what's going on and what he wants.

Trauma team has ok'd surgery on scapula, waiting on ortho to schedule.

Kathi's goal today is to get him sitting in a chair. Paul's goal: root beer float.


Anonymous said...

Put some CC in the ice and put it on the chair. Duh

Anonymous said...

Hi Paul,
Just got back to the office from the "field". I don't like being on jobsites anymore and Jesse (son/partner) doesn't like me there either. I guess at 60, we all get in the way of something. No pun intended:-)

The update for the day has put me in a much better mood. I know your in great pain but it is so good to hear upbeat things. I hope you get that root beer float. It must be a 1950's thing. When we were growing up a root beer float was our Saturday night treat. Mom always did the making of them and we could usually get a small second helping as well. I know you're just itching to say something but can't because of where you are at so I will say it for you. That --- --- ------- ------- driving the truck can go ---- himself and take the gear shift and ----- -- -- ---
--- ---. I will translate it for you some day.
Love ya big guy
Geno and Wendy

Anonymous said...

Paul, your craving has got me craving a root beer float now myself. When ya get back to Woodinville I'll have one with ya, but I might have one before. All the Best, Barry

Anonymous said...


This is Dee from Nails Today, I just want to wish Paul a fast and speedy recovery.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Kathi and Kari,
I love you twins playing "good cop, bad cop--WHICH cop!?" with Paul. Hope you keep on keeping him distracted until he's feeling better. Kari, you are an incredible sister--I know you're sitting there with pencil and paper to feed the latest news to Julie, and subsequently to all of us. Glad your Mom's procedure went well, too. TEAM WORK! And a BIG "THANK YOU." you all are doing the utmost. And all of us are wishing and praying hard and wishing we could do more.

Anonymous said...

Sarah, Kathi & Kari, please be sure let me know the day before Paul is released from the hospital. I want to have the chance to buy stock in Dairy Queen, which is sure to skyrocket from all of the celebratory Root Beer Floats that will be ordered that day.

Love to all in San Diego!