Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Tuesday, 3:04 PM Upate

Just got off the phone with Kari and we're happy to report that Paul is OUT right now. Kari says it seems that they have the pain meds dialed in a little better and he is just plain exhausted.

Dr. Eric McDreamy--the Orthopedic surgeon--spoke with Kathi & Kari and said the scapula surgery is on for Thursday. Please excuse my lack of medical jargon but basically the ball & cup is smashed down & in. They will fix it with a plate & screws he'll then be in a sling.

Kari said that after yesterday the Doctor has been checking in with them more often. She reassured them that Paul is doing amazingly well from when he came in. She said there will be good days and bad and days where there is no progress. She told them that unfortunately the name of the game at this time is time & patience patience patience. Kari said they all felt a lot better after this pep talk.

Paul is still on intermittent dialysis for his kidneys.

Kari said he is getting SO skinny and now has a lovely mustache. The person who came in to shave him said the blade was getting dull so they left and I quote, "A lovely 70's porn mustache." Sounds like we won't recognize the guy by the time he gets out!

Joanne just got back from the library where she was printing out the blog for the "girls" to read while they're waiting in the hall in case Paul needs them. Kari said she was gone for 2 hours and thought maybe Joanne had fallen asleep. Joanne said nope, she didn't fall asleep she's just stupid. Said it took her forever to print out the blog. Way to hang in there Joanne! I'll say it again...keep leaving those messages because they are being read and are very much appreciated! Thanks all.


Anonymous said...

make sure paul has a little hair under his lower lip....it's called a LOVE PATCH....LOL..I guess i better start losing some weight or the next time he calls me fats, i can't say look whose talking...love and huggs for everyone...frank

Anonymous said...

I first met Paul some 35 years ago when he was starting RTS. We did business together for many years and I always viewed him as indestructable which with everthing that has happened I guess he is.

Please let Paul know I'm thinking about him and hope for a speedy recovery. That sounds like one nasty accident.

Paul is a helluva guy but he still is going to have to give me a stroke a hole!

Anonymous said...

Well, he's got some snickerdoodles coming from me when he's well. This healing time is so hard on everyone. Love and prayers to you all-
Linda Morris
p.s. Bobby is bugging me all the time on if I've seen anything new on this site. He is so worried about Paul it's not funny.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all the updates, Julie. Our whole family is sending lots of get well wishes to Paul. Hang in there Kathi, Kari, and Sarah. Thinking about you all lots.
Much love,
Nan and the Inn Clan plus Honey and Bill (who listen to updates read over the phone since they have two computers they can't figure out how to use!)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for keeping us updated Julie! I check in throughout the day at work to see how Paul is doing, and then call my Mom (another Computer-skill-lacking person!) to let her know the update. I sent a picture of my parents to Steve (Kathy, my Dad wanted me to send a picture of him with all of my young girlfriends, but I refused :) Anyway, much love and well wishes to your family, we are all thinking about Paul and praying for a speedy recovery.

Anonymous said...

Hey guys, hope all is well down there, just doing some homework keeping Big P in my thoughts. Looking forward to seeing some of the family's ugly mugs when I come home for Spring Break on Saturday. Mom, Aunt Kathi and Sarah you guys are animals keep on trucking down there. Love you.

Anonymous said...

Paul, Kathi and Family,

We have been thinking and praying everyday for all of you. Paul will be amazed at all the love that is there for him with family and friends . All of us who know him certainly know that he is one tough guy and will come out of this. You all have a tough road ahead but thankfully you have a great support team there.

Thanks to Julie and Jen we are all able to keep up on the latest news on Paul's recovery.

Bob and Peggy

Anonymous said...

Paul, Kath, Jenn & Sarah,

Lee and I were so very sorry to hear about Paul being in an accident. Please know, Paul, Kathi and your entire family will be in our thoughts and our prayers.

Lee and Carol Smith

Anonymous said...

Their message is "lost in space" so I have copied their back up e-mail to me:
I just read your "blog" and sent Paul a message. I have no idea if it went where it was supposed to as computers are not one of my strong suits. Anyway, thanks for all the good information and I trust Paul will continue to heal at a record pace. If my message didn`t go through give both Paul and Kathy are best. George and Nancy

Anonymous said...

Hey Paul,

I think there must be better ways to loose weight. Forget the subways. It's my meatloaf, mashed potatoes and chocolate chip cookies for you when you leave the hospital. We cheer you on 24-7.
Donna and Jim

a.c.taylor said...

I was so sad yesterday when you guys were describing the pain he was in. Like many have said some of us have had one of these injuries, but not all of them at once. I just can't imagine. Please be strong for him, I'm sure your letting him yell at you if it helps him. On another note, I hope McDreamy knows that he is going to receive a mcass kicking if he doesn't fix the shoulder in a bionic way for golf. I am loving that you guys are still giggling; skinny guy with porn star stash, it's worth coming down to SD to see for ourselves! Glad they got him to sleep I'm tired just thinking about the pain. Stay strong!

Anonymous said...

I am so proud of my Mom!! You guys have no idea how hard it is for her to learn about this blog stuff. Trust me, not a day goes by where I dont have to explain some computer operation to her! lol!!! I miss all of you down there..and Paul you are still in my thoughts all the time. I want my mom back soon, so that means you have to have a speedy recovery, Paul, so everyone can come home. We are all cheering for you up here and know you have already come so far so you cant give up now!!! Love all you guys!!!!! Kristy

Anonymous said...

Paul,(& family) you will be in our prayers until you are fully recovered. Wow, we forget how important people are in our lives until we go through a critical time. Larry and I feel like you are part of our family and have been for how many years??? 30 now? We are so sorry for the pain you are experiencing.
Thanks to all those who could be down there with you, to Julie for the updates and all the prayers that are coming your way. Kathi..ask for all the support you can. Blessings Larry and Laura

Anonymous said...

Go Paul!

Go Team Paul!

We love the blog! It's been such a great way to hear the latest and what we hope will be...the greatest news of the day.

So glad Paul's pain meds are dialed in. Phew.

We'll be thinking of Paul and all of you at the hospital tomorrow for the scapula surgery. The more we hear the details of the day-to-day, the more we understand what you're going through.

Kath, our thoughts are with you. You are a wonderful wife. Thanks to support team too.

I have photos coming your way!

Marty and Mary Jo