Friday, March 9, 2007

10:36 AM Update

Spoke with Sarah an hour or so ago. Paul is a little more alert but still heavily sedated. He is scheduled today at 2:30 for more surgery on his left foot. Today his heart rate is good, strong and steady. Apparantly it wasn't so steady the last few days so that is good news! They are expecting results of his cat scan for his scapula (left shoulder area) today. They are meeting with the Doctors again around 11:00 (probably later) and I will report as soon as I hear.

On another note...thank you all for your well wishes and continued support. At this time we are really trying to limit calls to Kathi so she can focus all her energy on Paul and doesn't go through the re-telling of the story again and again. Please check the blog for updates and please leave your well wishes under the comment area. If you need to call me please feel free to do so. My home is 425-882-4851 and cell is 206-910-4171. Thank you again! Julie Byrnes


Anonymous said...

I know it's hard, but Julie is right to try and limit the calls going to Kathi. I know from first hand experience (my husband was in the hospital for 9 weeks and part of that time was in ICU) and 1) you can't use your cell phones in the room and is allowed in very few places of the hospital at all; 2) you don't want to leave the ICU too often to make calls because you don't want to miss any of the doctor's who come in to see Paul; 3) you DO end up telling everything over and over and over again which can be very exhausting in itself; and 4) If Kathi feels she needs to talk to someone, she will initiate the call. So....I just wanted to back Julie up in what she had to say about limiting calls because it's an important point.

DD said...

...and you 40+ year olds think you have had trouble figuring out this blog thing??? try it at 60!!! This is my 3rd attempt and I have not a clue where my past messages went, but I see that I now have a blog all of my own and my blog name is DD!

My heart goes out to you Kathi, Sara and Jen...we are saying prayers everyday and wishing Paul a speedy recovery. Paul has a lot of tenacity and like they say "you can't keep a good man down for long" not for too long anyway!


Jeanne & Mark Hannah
Bergen & Tyson