Friday, March 9, 2007

12:30 PM Update

Jennifer just called and wanted everyone to know that Paul is resting comfortably on his new air mattress to help prevent bed sores.

His heart rate and blood pressure continues to be normal today! Good progress!!

He is still on dialysis to help his "sleeping" kidneys. Dialysis helps get rid of toxins in the body and help flush out the extra fluid his body is trying to hold on to. Doctors are hoping that they will be able to wean him off the dialysis to 3 x a week rather than 24 hours a day.

Surgery is still scheduled for 2:30 today to close the open would and fix the broken bone(s) on his left foot/ankle.

The damage to his scapula (left shoulder) will heal on its own.

Paul is still heavily sedated and still on the ventilator.

Nothing else today but hopefully lots of rest!

Kathi & all would like to report how happy they are with the care Paul is receiving at UCSD trauma center. They would really like to express their thanks to "Nurse Doris" described as a 90 pound spitfire who is very protective of Paul and is really watching out for his best interest. Go Doris!

On a much lighter note...Kathi, Kari, Jen & Sarah would like to report that there are plenty of Dr. McDreamy's around the hospital to help them while away the time...


Anonymous said...

I am so, so sorry to hear this. Sending you all my love. You are in my thoughts & prayers.

Anonymous said...

My parents called me last night and this was the first time I heard of Paul's accident. I just want the family to know that we are praying for them and will keep them in our thoughts throughout the day. Paul and Kathy are very special friends to my parents and we are sending love your way. Thank you to Julie for keeping the family and friends updated, I will keep checking back.

Jolene Goosman

Anonymous said...

Kathi, Kari, Jen and Sarah;
I am so very sorry that you are going through the waiting game and just want you to know that I am thinking of you and am sending lots of hugs your way. Paul is a fiesty one and I know that he will be back in the saddle soon!
Kari, boot camp wasn't much fun without you to torture, had to push Deb all that much harder! :-).
Love you guys! -Jenn @JKPT

Anonymous said...

I told myself I was not entering the blog era, for Paul and the Morris extended family, I guess I might be forever greatful for my further techno education.
Kidding aside, prayers and good wishes in a attempt at a full recovery.
Hugs and love,
The Viydos

Anonymous said...

Paul and Kathi:
The Kennedy family is praying for all the best for Paul's recovery. There is strength in numbers and many folks out at Aldarra have passed on their best wishes for you. All the best and please get well soon.
Mike Kennedy

PS: we appreciate the updates.