Thursday, March 8, 2007

3/8/07 1:30 PM update

Hi Everyone,

As most of you know, Paul was involved in a motorcycle accident while in Mexico on Monday afternoon. He and 8 friends were on a Harley trip down to Cabo. A pick up truck crossed the center line hitting Paul and two other riders. Paul sustained many injuries, the other 2 riders are in pretty good shape.

24+ hours later Paul arrived, via ambulance, at the University of California San Diego Hospital’s trauma center. He is in the ICU and will remain so for at least another week. Due to his being in the ICU he cannot accept any flowers, phone calls etc.

He currently is stable and the doctor’s say, “He is doing very well from where he started on Tuesday. Recovery will be a long and slow process.”

He currently is on a ventilator. They did try to wean him off but his body is not ready due to the trauma he is enduring. This is very common and they feel sure that he will be able to be weaned from the ventilator—they will try again in a few days.

He currently is on dialysis for his kidneys. Doctors say they are, “Very optimistic he will regain full function of his kidneys.”

He did have surgery on his left ankle/foot. This surgery was mainly to deal with the open wound and possible infection not the broken bones. He will have additional surgeries on his left foot. His right foot is also broken. His right hand is broken and has a splint. Doctors are less worried about the broken bones at this point. He also suffered 6 broken ribs. He had his spleen removed Tuesday evening to stop some internal bleeding.

Currently Paul is sleeping and resting comfortably, aka he’s heavily sedated.

Kathi, Sarah & Jen would like to thank everyone for their positive thoughts and prayers. Keep them coming!

Thank you,

Julie Byrnes (Kathi’s sister)


Anonymous said...

Julie, thank you for the valuable info. Kathi, Sarah and Jen, hope you can feel the vibes--I'm thinking of Paul every minute with lots of love and prayers. Please let me know if i can help-in any way, any time.
Love, Mary

Anonymous said...

Kathi Dale here. Takes me longer to yype this than it takes you to hit a drive. Thinking of PM Let me know if we can do anything. You know he will be fine .

DD said...

Dear Kathi, Sarah, Jen and family,

Now I have started my own blog (?) ...and all I was trying to do was post good well wishes your blog name is DD!

I found out about Paul yesterday after golf; the whole entire club is in shock and we are all saying prayers and sending them your way for wishing Paul a quick recovery.

Life is full of many chapters and it is hard to understand why these sort of things happen, perhaps it is to stop and take a good look at what is really important in this is all about things that really matter and Paul really matters to so many of us here at BCCC. We all will continue to send prayers your way until the storm passes on by and you return home with Paul and the sun comes out once again!!!

Love 2-U all,

Jeanne & Mark Hannah,
Bergen & Tyson

Anonymous said...

What a terrible break for you!
Our daughter Val clued us in on your Blog which is a super idea. Many folks at Bear Creek are aware of your accident and are following your progress. Sounds like you are doing great! (But I knew you would). Our prayers are with you and your family. Mind them and your care staff, and we'll see you soon I hope. Kathy--let me know if there is anything Ruthie and I can do for you up here. Take care--